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Chamber of hospital equipment made in Argentina


CAEHFA was created in 1976 as a result of the merger of two Chambers that emerged in the mid-1960s, it is the association that brings together the companies that manufacture Medical-Hospital Technology and Supplies. The Argentine companies producing goods in the sector amount to approximately four hundred companies. Direct jobs 4500, Indirect 15000. Made up of national SMEs that research and develop their own designs, product innovations and the incorporation of new technologies already developed, thus inserting themselves into dynamic niches in the world market, where competition is determined through product and quality differentiation. The main companies have a significant participation of artisans, technicians and different engineering companies in all stages of production, with constant technological updating. Two-way exchange with the scientific-technological-public system is common, such as the “Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Nation”, as well as different state and national universities.

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